Conversations on Addiction, Recovery, & Family
From Our Living Room to Yours
Welcome to the home of Conversations on Addiction, Recovery, and Family. In this educational video series, you can talk with substance abuse and mental health experts about multiple topics from the comfort of your own living room. COVID-19, social distancing and quarantining are all new, stressful and scary experiences. Through this video series, we hope to provide you with information and advice to help you and your family to navigate this pandemic together.
Conversations are held every other Tuesday at 4 PM (CST). Conversations are live and participatory through Zoom and Facebook Live. All videos will be posted here. If you are worried for your or a loved one's mental health or sobriety at this time, please contact us at 713.914.0556 or through our website.
Upcoming Conversations
Upcoming conversations will be announced here and on our social media platforms.