This September is Recovery Month, and to celebrate we are sharing inspiring stories from our incredible staff members in recovery. Here at The Council, we know that the road to recovery can be difficult, because we’ve been there. But we also know that recovery is worth it. To anyone who’s considering taking that first step, we want you to know that we are here to carefully listen without judgement, and provide the vital support and solutions you need to recover. This story is the first entry in a series especially for Recovery Month to celebrate recovery and to honor our amazing staff who share its gifts with so many others.
I am a woman in long term recovery, established December 3, 2001. My journey in recovery began after a 25-year addiction and the thankful interruption of the criminal justice system, which inadvertently saved my life. The most important thing for me in my recovery journey is being able to live and have purpose in my life, rather than existing in the darkness of addiction. Someone told me early in recovery that whatever you go through in life is a blessing or a lesson, and when you learn from the lesson, it too becomes a blessing. Hence, all of my life’s experiences are a blessing.
My recovery evolved over time from a 90-day treatment program, to aftercare while simultaneously participating in a 12-step mutual aid group and living one day at a time. My recovery means everything to me. Without it, I could not have met the many goals and received the many blessings bestowed upon me. I am an advocate for the recovery movement and speak proudly of my experiential knowledge of addiction and recovery. During my 18+ years of recovery, I have overcome many obstacles and removed barriers for those wanting recovery from their substance use disorder. I love being a soldier for recovery on the battlefield, helping others become recovery soldiers and lifting up our fallen soldiers. There is hope after dope!